I clearly remember, one of the first things I noticed the very first time we saw our farm was the big tree by the road. As soon as I saw it, I just knew what it was perfect for and every time I imagined us living out here I pictured this tree and the tire swing that I knew would be just amazing hanging from it. Today that dream was realized and it just seemed to make the world as it should be. I know it is kind of silly to make such a big deal out of a tire swing. The thing is it is not necessarily the swing as much as it is what it represents. It represents what I wanted and dreamed of for our family. I wanted to raise our kids with space to roam, fresh air to breathe, room to run, and adventures to be had away from the hustle and bustle of the world. They will know all about that far too soon. I pictured that perfect country setting and the tire swing just somehow completed that. So today, to any other person, it would seem that a rope was attached to a tree and tied to a dirty old tire. However, to me, the country and all its wonders was just given to my boys and I am praising the Lord for a wonderful place to raise a family as it is by his hand alone that we live here and can enjoy His creation every day. Thank You Lord!