Well summer has flown by for us! There are countless things to tell but I will let the pictures do most of the talking.
Cyia Training happened at the beginning of June. The boys had a blast, as usual.
Bath time in Grandma's old tub.

Fun in the sand.

Yogurt mustache.

Chillin in the swing

Todd had a chance to be a black smith on our Day of Prayer.

T-ball is always a highlight

My sister and I freezing at the beach!

These were the three youngest grandchildren till May.

The older boys at the beach with their cousin on a warmer day.

The little guys.

Fun at a petting zoo at the Williston fair.

The big man a big fast ride.

Middle man on a not so fast ride, but he had fun.

Sweet brother moment.

We had a chance to get away to a favorite beach on the 4th of July.

The big man got to ride on Uncle Mike and Auntie Maija's sailboat.

My little surfer

We hit a family reunion and here were the little guys at the beach.

Gotta love the flip flops

Dressing up with cousins

Our boys with their cousins. Yes, they are all wearing plaid shorts and similar shirts. (My sister and I also came dressed alike, we think a little alike.)

What would summer be without dirt.

My little man's new favorite thing to do.

Camp Good News came, here's the boys chillin in the camper.

He was a deputy in a skit.

Lovin the soup enough to share with the hair!

Our little man and his friend only a month apart. Not into sitting still!

The older boys and their new friend at camp (son of our nurse). They had lots of fun!
