Lots of Snow & Lots of Kids
That is what we have here now, a crazy lot of snow and a lot of kids (However, that lot of kids is definitely relative, in your world it may be two or maybe twelve). We have been having a blast with both . . . the snow and the kids! Because of all the snow we have all been home a lot, which has been nice. A couple weeks ago we had a "Everyone's been snowed in too long Party" at our house. We ended up with 45 people here and had a great time. However, that crazy snow almost left us with a sleepover of 45 people as our drifted terribly making it very difficult for everyone to get home!
I did make it out one day in the last couple weeks to Minot. I took the girls to the doc and they were up to KK at 8lbs 5oz and 20 3/4 in and KR at 7lbs 6oz and 19 3/4in. Those measurements were a couple weeks ago so I am sure they are bigger now. Every thing with them looked great, and they are growing well. They have been sleeping pretty good at night. Often times it is 5 or 6am before they get up so that is awesome, sometimes earlier but I can live with that. Sometimes though, I can spend the next hour, after the hour I fed them, getting up every few minutes and putting their nuks back in because they don't hold them in well on their own but want them. They are not smiling or laughing yet. You can definitely tell they are premature in that way. KK has smiled a couple times and that is it. They are getting stronger though, especially KR. She can get her chest off the floor pretty good now. The brothers are still quite taken with them so that is fun too.
Our little man ir rapidly increasing his vocab. Tonight his new word was tractor, the day before was "yes" and the day before that "up" and "down". You can tell he enjoys being able to communicate.
I will leave you with one entertaining story courtesy of our big man. He said something the other day about how you get smaller when you are old. HE was telling me that this lady at school must be really old, older than Grandpa cause she is really small. I asked him how old he thought she was. He siad maybe 90 or something, cause she is so small, smaller than Grandpa. So there you go, if you were wondering how to judge age that is how to do it! :)

Here is a tunnel Todd and the boys dug in the snow. You can see the opening at the bottom of the pic. There are now several tunnels.

Our big man is a tough cookie when it comes to riding on the sled behind our old John Deere '73 snowmobile. He usually comes in looking like a snowman.

I did make it out one day in the last couple weeks to Minot. I took the girls to the doc and they were up to KK at 8lbs 5oz and 20 3/4 in and KR at 7lbs 6oz and 19 3/4in. Those measurements were a couple weeks ago so I am sure they are bigger now. Every thing with them looked great, and they are growing well. They have been sleeping pretty good at night. Often times it is 5 or 6am before they get up so that is awesome, sometimes earlier but I can live with that. Sometimes though, I can spend the next hour, after the hour I fed them, getting up every few minutes and putting their nuks back in because they don't hold them in well on their own but want them. They are not smiling or laughing yet. You can definitely tell they are premature in that way. KK has smiled a couple times and that is it. They are getting stronger though, especially KR. She can get her chest off the floor pretty good now. The brothers are still quite taken with them so that is fun too.
Our little man ir rapidly increasing his vocab. Tonight his new word was tractor, the day before was "yes" and the day before that "up" and "down". You can tell he enjoys being able to communicate.
I will leave you with one entertaining story courtesy of our big man. He said something the other day about how you get smaller when you are old. HE was telling me that this lady at school must be really old, older than Grandpa cause she is really small. I asked him how old he thought she was. He siad maybe 90 or something, cause she is so small, smaller than Grandpa. So there you go, if you were wondering how to judge age that is how to do it! :)
The kiddos all got athletic clothes from my parents for Christmas. Here are the girls sporting their's. KR, KK

Here is a tunnel Todd and the boys dug in the snow. You can see the opening at the bottom of the pic. There are now several tunnels.

Our big man is a tough cookie when it comes to riding on the sled behind our old John Deere '73 snowmobile. He usually comes in looking like a snowman.

It is such a treat to check your blog and see your photos and stories... and to get to answer your question too... Thanks so much for posting all that you do, as your family is a BEAUTIFUL testimony to God's goodness and provision.
As for our kid's Bible: I would gladly recommend it! It's called "The Jesus Storybook Bible" by Sally Lloyd-Jones. Published by Zonderkids. Honestly, Matt and I have really been enjoying the perspective on the stories- like devo.s for us!- and the way the stories are taught and not just told....
I get teary just thinking of the first story (kind of an intro to the whole story of the Bible) and definitely of the last story.... how it ends: "John came to the end of his book. But he didn't write "The End."... instead he wrote "Come quickly, Jesus!" Which, perhaps, is really just another way of saying.... To Be Continued...
There's a link to the page at Amazon to order this Bible under our "random favorites" on the right side-bar of our blog! I sure hope you guys enjoy it too!!