What have I experienced in Haiti?

warm sunsine

perfect temps (not the sweltering heat expected)

beautiful brown faces of women

adorable children who love to laugh and giggle at us

dirty streets with much garbage

lush vegitation

very dark nights

spicy, yummy, unique food

a cold, short on sleep night

a comfortable restfull night

 praising God with sisters in Christ from Haiti

much laughter, singing and dancing

times of sharing with tears of brokeness and joy

the need for MUCH flexibility

new Haitian and American friends

prayer and more prayer

poverty and great needs

poorly cared for animals

crisp clean clothes of Haitian people who know how to work hard

the presence of God


Wow. Amen. Praying for you. So thrilled to hear what God has been doing there.
Blanche Weinert said…
Kim thank you for sharing about Haiti. We are praying for each of you and those you are speaking to. I just finished reading the book "Heaven is for Real". If you have never read it you must!
Susan said…
Praying for you today Kim as you are speaking,so exciting to hear all that God is doing through all of you women!!!
Debbie said…
Glad you were able to go. I know it is quite the experience & will be a blessing both to the women there & to you.

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