Fun Times
We have had lots of fun things going on lately. We were able to make a trip to MN a couple weeks ago. Todd had a retreat to go to and I got to spend some time with my family which was great as I had not seen them in quite some time! As usual, we had lots of fun and the boys had a blast playing with the cousins. This trip was also the first time that my younger sister and her family and my brother and his family got to see the girls so that was fun too.

This last weekend we were at a retreat for our CYIA'ers. It was so fun and again we had great weather! The kids and I were not going to go but then we found out Grandpa and Grandma would be there and one of Todd's sisters and her family, so knowing I would have plenty of help, we went along. I am glad we did because the boys had a great time and the girls got to meet the more of there cousins and and their aunt and uncle.
The sad news of our weekend was that our yellow lab was hit by a car and killed while we were at the retreat. We did find another pup and Todd picked her up this morning. Her dad is a chocolate lab, her mom a yellow but with a little Chow in her. The mom totally looked like a lab. So our pup looks like a lab but is more like a mix between a red lab and a yellow. She is a bit reddish in color, very pretty. We named her Akita (u-kee-tu) which means "great hunter." So far she seems to have a really sweet nature about her. Here are some pics from her first day with us.

It was beautiful weather so we got all the kids out sledding.

Here are the three little 2 year old monkeys. (Or almost 2 in my little man's case :)

Here is part of the awesome tubing hill. I am standing onthe second part of it. It was so slick and fast. Lots of fun!!

Bringing her home.

And I love the smiles.
Speaking of adorable, look at those cuties in their pointy, striped hats. Mmmm.