CYIA Training

We just got home from two weeks at our CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) Training. This is a training that we do for teens in order to equip them to teach children in 5-Day Clubs, and to challenge the teens themselves in their own walk with the Lord. It is an intense two weeks of training and very exhausting for the staff. However, it is also a joy and a privilege to see how God moves and works in and through the lives of theses teens. He also does a little work on our own lives while we are there. :)
Much goes on during this time and it would be hard to capture it all but here are a few picture highlights from the time spent at the camp. I was not sure how this would all go this year having five young kids but the kids did awesome, so we are praising the Lord for that! This was the first year of Training where I considered packing winter coats and boots. It was very cold the first few days but eventually we moved to beatiful, warm days. Here are the girls all bundled up.


Here is one of the classes the students had to go through.

We were extremely excited to have my sister-in-law and her two kids at camp with us this year. My SIL helped in the kitchen and the kids had a blast playing with their cousins!

We set up a little nursery area in the dining hall. It made for a great place for the girls to roll around and play. They love to have the freedom to move.

Here is an example of one of the students teaching a Bible lesson. They are trained how to tell a Bible story and throughout the story pull out and share various points about the Gospel message.

This is the campfire down in this big sand pit on Saturday night. It wraps up what we call the Day of Prayer. It is an afternoon and eveing set aside for a whole bunch of activities focused on their discipleship.

Here is my sister-in-law with KK

She and I and my mother-in-law took all the kids to the zoo Saturday so they would have something to do during the Day of Prayer activities. We had a blast! Here is the little man with the otters.

The boys were fascinated with the lion.

The people here with Todd and I are our amazing staff. We are so thankful for each one of them and all the talents and gifts they bring to the team. On top of all that, we just have a lot of fun with them!

Here is my big man with his cousin. They hooped it up quite a bit.

We got to go to an outdoor theatre and see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat on "Surprise Night", which is a night when we take the whole camp off sight and do some fun things just to give them a break. Here is the little man hamming it up with one of the teens.

Here is the amazing show!

A couple pf the girls studying

My big man with KR, he is so great with his sisters!



My middle man

The boys had a "car" wash for their bikes

All in all, it was a challenging but great two weeks. We faced some spiritual warfare but God walked us through it and reminded us that it just mean He was working through this camp and these teens. It will be nice to be home for a little while now.


Glad that training went well for you overall. The girls are growing and getting so much personality! I can hardly wait for Sept! I can just see that pic of your "big man" at his high school grad someday with a then current pic of the two boys! Time is flying!
Susan said…
Such a great overview of your two weeks!! Praising God with you in all He is doing in and through your teens!!!
sharbear said…

Okay, so in the month leading up to training, I'm always picture in in my mind and sometimes even dreaming about it...and now it's over. I can't believe that. Well, I guess I CAN believe it, but still. Sad. Relieving in some ways, but a lot of sad. I think I could do it all year round...if I got at least 8 hours of sleep a night. :)

Also, the black and white pictures of the girls are DELICIOUS!
Drifters said…
Such cute picture's of all the kid's. So glad all went well with the training. We are praying for you.
Me said…
That's great that it went well for the most part!! Lovce the pics, some super sweet shots!!
Susan said…
Such a great overview of your two weeks!! Praising God with you in all He is doing in and through your teens!!!

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